The Laughing Ladies

It's a quiet time, at least for Brick's Ladies. There's an empty round table for the ladies to sit and just be themselves somewhere on the first floor toward the front of the building. Chatting, gossiping & laughing, like real ladies do. I can't hear, exactly, what they are saying. like it is in another room, but they are definitely happy. I've heard them off and on now for months. There isn't anyone from this time in the building...I've looked. They stop when I get closer as if they sense a stranger approaching. There was a moment when the sound of their clicking heels was heard by another on the 2nd floor. Again....just the sound and sense of their presence. Somehow, are they letting us know that the bawdy, turn of the century, movie, image isn't true. They are ladies that have no where else to be and trying to make a living. Sinless??...probably not... each one is there for a different reason. I don't know what that is.
I've now seen 2 of them in the 2nd floor hall. Not ghosts vaporizing through the wo-o wo-o-o. Images of them on a surveillance monitor for over 3 hrs. Yes, I first thought it to be shadows playing tricks but they were plainer than that. I could identify them in a lineup if I had to. They weren't moving. One (the plain Jane type...very plain!) was standing facing me (the camera)...staring and the other (a pretty little dark haired girl) was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. Neither looked very happy at the moment. They were dressed in common, long, plain dresses of the day. The post in the hall that they were next to was not visible during this time. The next day they were gone....the post was, clearly, visible. Yes, I did go to the hall outside my door during their visit (several times) and, yes, there was nothing there. It was as though their presence was locked in a time warp or something. They never try to approach me. As I've mentioned before, I'm not sure they know we are here.
There is also a small baby cry at times...maybe one had a child?... and the most recent, is a man's bold chuckle standing next to me. That one really took me off guard! Other's were around for the baby cry (heard by another), the chuckle and the sighting. But only one seems to be aware at a time. I'm new to this sort of thing. It doesn't disturb me nor do I feel threatened....just curious. Like friends I want to know better.
This building has a calm, positive energy. I want to know more. Any insights...theories?
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